
System Requirements

Lorry is designed to run on a Linux distribution and should have at least two cores, 512mb of memory or more and adequate disk space to hold the contents of each configured mirror and raw file remote.

Runtime Dependencies

Note that only the Git binary need to be installed on your system, the other components are embedded in Lorry's crate dependencies.

gitUsed for non libgit2 cloning operations
libgit2Used for various repository management
sqlite3Stateful repository metadata

From your Package Manager

Arch Linux

A distribution package of Lorry is available on the AUR.

Other Operating Systems

If you're Linux distribution doesn't have a system package please consider creating one, merge requests are most welcome in this regard. Please open up an issue to track your distributions progress here.

From Source

To install Lorry from source you simply need to clone its Git repository and compile it with the standard Rust tool chain.

Build Dependencies

Ensure you have sqlx available on your PATH, typically it can be installed either by your system's package manager or by running cargo install sqlx-cli.

sqlxUsed for compile time verficiation of sql queries
git clone
cd lorry2

# Initialize Lorry's database in the repository

# Compile the Lorry binary
cargo build --release

# Test the compiled binary 
target/release/lorry --help

From this point you can modify the lorry.example.toml file to your liking pointing it at your gitlab instance.